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2024 projects

We design inviting spaces, experiences, and materials that educate and energize college-age voters.


2024 marks the third election in which the Creative Campus Voting Project (CCVP) has designed and produced Campus Voting Hubs on the University of Michigan’s campus. Our close partnerships with the Ann Arbor City Clerk, the University of Michigan Museum of Art (UMMA), and the Duderstadt Center Gallery make it possible for students to register and vote on site.

Our research on the psychological obstacles and motivators for new voters informs all of our design decisions. We designed every aspect of the voter journey to create a positive, smooth experience.


We designed the Ann Arbor City Clerk’s satellite office, in this light-filled gallery at UMMA, to be calm and welcoming. The floor-to-ceiling glass windows allowed students walking by to literally see democracy in action.  photo: Sarah Alanis

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A cohort of trained peer mentors welcome student voters and create a comfortable atmosphere for new voters to ask questions and learn.  photo: Ben Zink

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We developed a participatory voting map that makes the act of voting visible, accessible, and interactive. It prompts students to reflect on where they plan to vote and provides a digital platform to research state-specific voting information. By placing their pin on the map, students see themselves as part of a larger, collective commitment to civic participation.  photo left: Hannah Smotrich; photo right: Madison Brow, Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

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Our playfully oversized ballot explainer clarifies the structure of the Michigan ballot and answers common questions. We annotated the sections with clear, nonpartisan information, including a friendly reminder that ballots are double-sided!

photo left: Hannah Smotrich; photo right: Lindsay Farb

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At the end of the interactive resource wall, a voting info message board with interchangeable signs reminds voters about key information and upcoming deadlines.

photo left: Stephanie Rowden; photo right: Hannah Smotrich

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Voting Zines! We developed this playfully-illustrated series to deliver information in an approachable tone. The small format is perfect for breaking down complex parts of the process into manageable chunks.

photo left: Jose Juarez, Michigan Photography; photo right: Hannah Smotrich

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The “What’s Your Voting Style?” Personality Quiz helped students make a plan to vote that was best suited to their location, schedule and disposition. Designed to be approachable, shareable, and fun, this digital tool brought charm and humor to a process that can feel overwhelming. photo left: Lindsay Farb; right: Hannah Smotrich


The Creative Campus Voting Project (CCVP) is a non-partisan initiative based at the University of Michigan Stamps School of Art & Design, led by co-founders Associate Professors Stephanie Rowden and Hannah Smotrich. The CCVP Election 2024 Research Team included: Emma Cordova, Lindsay Farb, Victor Luis Garcia, Aoife Harte, Abigail Lowe, Ria Ma, and Alex Warren, 


Our Election 2024 projects were generously supported by: U-M Office of the Provost / UMICH Votes, U-M Arts Initiative, U-M Stamps School of Art & Design, and U-M Museum of Art (UMMA). Lead support for the Central Campus Voting Hub was provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (ILMS). All costs associated with the operation of the Ann Arbor City Clerk’s Satellite Office were supported by the City of Ann Arbor. CCVP works in close coordination with the Ann Arbor City Clerk and their UMICH Votes Coalition partners: Turn Up Turnout, University of Michigan Museum of Art (UMMA), Duderstadt Center Gallery, Ginsberg Center, and U-M Office of Government Relations.


Project Credits

Ballot Explainer

Stephanie Rowden and Hannah Smotrich: concept, creative direction and design
Lindsay Farb: design, editorial strategy 
Victor Luis Garcia, Abigail Lowe, Alex Warren: content soundboard
Abigail Lowe: fabrication
Paragon Design and Display: production

Participatory Maps

Stephanie Rowden and Hannah Smotrich: concept, creative direction and design
Abigail Lowe: design and fabrication

Voting Message Board
Stephanie Rowden and Hannah Smotrich: concept, creative direction and design
Abigail Lowe: design and fabrication
Lindsay Farb: design development
Victor Luis Garcia: illustration
Paragon Design and Display: production

Voting Info Zines

Stephanie Rowden and Hannah Smotrich: concept, creative direction and design
Victor Luis Garcia: visual concepts, Illustration, and design
Lindsay: design development
Emma Cordova, Lindsay Farb, Ria Ma, Alex Warren: creative soundboard
Allegra Printing: print production

“Voter Style” Personality Quiz
Stephanie Rowden and Hannah Smotrich: creative direction and design
Ria Ma: concept, artwork, writing, design
Lindsay Farb: design development
Victor Luis Garcia, Aoife Harte, Abigail Lowe, Alex Warren: creative soundboard
Boxcar Studio: web development

© 2024  Creative Campus Voting Project

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