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Our Teaching

Beginning in 2018, we have designed studio classes that complement our creative research. These courses at the University of Michigan Stamps School of Art and Design engage students with voting and encourage them to use their wide range of creative skill sets to help their peers vote. 


Create an “explainer” for students that makes it easy to register and vote in Michigan.

poster series, Erin Walski

stop-motion animation, Taylor Kelly


Create inviting social media assets to promote registration and voting.

Instagram assets, Lucy Zhang


Create a COVID-safe, fun experience for an un-fun experience: waiting in line.

“Silent Disco” curated Spotify playlist, Gabi Mechaber and Jessica Burkle

"Silent Disco" social media, Gwyneth Murray


Prompt: Educate and motivate student peers about down ballot voting.

Instagram story , Rachel Rettie

Instagram story, Gwyneth Murray

MANY THANKS to our students at the Stamps School of Art and Design whose experiences, insight and creative work have informed and enriched our research.

Fall 2023 Creative Campaign for Voting: Sophie Brooks,  Brenda Cai, Audrey Carter,  Sophia Crumback-Tarrien, Maria D'Ambrosio, Lena Friedman,  Jordyn Hardy,  Kate Jeong, Mercy Kaskorkis, Youjin Kim, Diamond Lewis, Peyton Messner, Liv Sessums, Grace Sirman, Ayla Soofi, Emily Veguilla, Georgia Wallace, Meagan Walters


Winter 2022 Creative Campaign for Voting: Meghan Adams, Marisa Dengate, Jules Frederick, Jaleah Green, Olivia Guarnieri, Taylor Henegar, Aurelia Hudak, Myles Hoenes, Carolina Jones, Jessica Kardish, Juan Marco, Amala Nayak, Lissette Quintanilla, Taylor Schott, Ren Strawn, Jaz Wilson


Fall 2021 Exhibition Design: Eman Azrak, Myles Hoenes, Jeremiah Kastl, Rachel Rettie, Shalin Berman, Amelia Hansen, Natalie Nelson, Rosalie Comte, Nicole Kim, Maddie Shepherd, Isis Joseph, Lauren Mills, Casey Rheault


Fall 2020 Visual Communication Design for Voting & Creative Campaign for Voting: Shalin Berman, Josie Burck, Jessica Burkle, Yeager Edwards, Mary Finch, Sara Ganshaw, Sam Greenhill, Junpyo Hong, Chloe Hooker, Katie Huang, Kaylee Johnson, Maddy Kachikian, Aditi Kannan, Taylor Kelly, Jordan Lamaide, Anna Lebedeva, Ariel Lowenstern, Juliet Mandell, Gabrielle Mechaber, Alice Munro, Gwyneth Murray, Josiah Rentschler, Rachel Rettie, Casey Rheault, Sara Spillman, Morgan Tucker, Erin Walski, Ellie Ward, Margaret Wiebe, Bailey Yonkman, Lucy Zhang


Winter 2020 Creative Campaign for Voting: Molly Bokor, Roseanne Chao, Anna Deluca, Ashley Holland, Kaylee Johnson, Valerie Le, Sunjae Lee, Valerie Matula, Seamus Mulready, Maya Neideck, Yuki Obayashi, Maggie Roback, Sabrina Schwartzberg, Nolan Trepeck, Maddy Vervaecke, Abby Ziemkowski


Fall 2018 Voting is Sexy:  Allysa Benedict, Tanya Ballal, Kaitlyn Beukema, Stephanie Bloom, Maddie Fox, Shreya Garg, Alexa Gordon, Katie Lacroix, Gabi Pascual, Stephanie Sim, Ryan Sowulewski, Manda Villareal

© 2024  Creative Campus Voting Project

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